The Sounds from the Park exhibition was displayed at Bishopsgate Institute, during December 2013 – May 2014. We used oral histories and images from the Speakers’ Corner archive we created at Bishopsgate Institute to explore what the Corner means to those who speak, heckle and listen there and how it has changed over time.
In 2014 On the Record produced the material for a temporary exhibition on the history of Speakers' Corner mounted by The Royal Parks at Speakers' Corner itself. This was transformed into a permanent exhibit which is now installed at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park.
An original artwork by Annette Fry, The Film Strip, accompanied the exhibition at Bishopsgate Institute. The Film Strip used scanned film negatives of Speakers’ Corner images (taken in 1964 by Moyra and Rodger Peralta) to create a translucent covering for the windows of Bishopsgate Kitchen.