On the Record help 12 group workshops with student nurses and appentices, mainly based at Kingston University.
The workshops involved deep listening and field recording sessions exploring oral histories from the 'Moments of Grace' archive, students learning how to record their own peer-to-peer oral histories.
Feedback on 'what participants took away':
“This was such a good day, I wish we had reflective practice more often during the course”
“Would be a great session to have after our first placement”
“It’s always helpful sharing your emotions with others”
“Recognising what your emotions are and what are of your colleagues/patients”
“Useful sessions on listening and talking about our experience in practice and thinking about time as a nurse”
“I value the space that has been held for us to reflect on sound, its importance in nursing”
“It’s always helpful sharing your emotions with others”
“The workshop was so good”
“Improve, challenge team dynamic”
“Reflective practice - always evaluating what works and what positives can I take from my reflection that works”
“Give time to patients and engage them in their care planning”
“Reminded me of the importance of reflection, being vulnerable and present to look inwards of how we are being as nurses”
“It was good to step back and reflect on our time as a nurse, on shift and how we use our time”
“I was able to reflect on listening and how I Listen. Will listening skill into placement for peers, staff, and patients”
“Nurses do so much throughout the working day!!”
“Would have been beneficial to have had this earlier…but still super enjoyable”
“Inspiring Day 2- Loved the activities”
“Good and different experience learning about sound recording!”
“I liked the time we spent together talking about the favourite time of day”
“Inspiring. Has reminded me I am not alone and the value of reflection”
“Being honest and open”
“ Advocate on their behalf- patients- listen to them”
“As nurses, it is Important to consider how we are coming across to patients e.g. taking time to listen.”
“It has reminded me of the value of stopping to reflect”
“ It’s prompted me to think about how I can work to reduce the power imbalance between staff and patients on an acute ward”
“Effective listening. Encouraging patients to change. Sharing tasks. Supporting each other.”
“Empowering patients to take responsibility can go a long way in supporting their recovery”
“Importance of /containing patients emotions (even anger) – can mean rapport is good”
“Importance of sounds and how it can be experienced by patients”
“Felt at ease being given a space to be listened and a space that challenges experiences in practice”
“Shared experiences and the communities it can create”
“I loved that it gave us space to reflect and share our feelings and experiences. I just wish we had it earlier in the course”
What I have learnt and will take into practice?
“What real collaboration looks like”
“Remember to be mindful of others”
“I will consider how I support patients to reflect on their own feelings”
“Self awareness”
“Advocate on patient’s behalf”
“Sound is important in practice”
“Remember how we’ve all felt as students…. Do better”
“Effective listening and refection are important”
“A reminder of how to treat other students once I’m qualified”
“Remembering that people react to the world depending on their inner child, so once qualified try and work with the clients and their inner child”
“Engaging patients, being open and reflective”
“I will consider how I can support patients to reflect on their own feelings”
“Follow your instincts”
“Speak up if I feel it’s important, even if scared”
“Regular reflective practice for students after placement is needed”
“Managing time”
“Listen and Be kind”
“I think I’ve learnt the importance of reflection and discussion. I feel a lot more heard”
“Being patient”
“Time for patients, Time for nurses” “Openness. Collaborative team work. Confidentiality. Respect and consistency”
What I would have liked done differently during the workshops?
“I just wish we had it earlier in the course”
“Would have been beneficial to have had this earlier”