Brompton Cemetery Sound and Stories

Listen to the audio walk here

Starting point: Brompton Cemetery, Old Brompton Rd, London, SW5 9JE, UK

Enter through the North Gate (Old Brompton Road) and gradually drift towards the South Gate. Once you have found the North Gate, you can put your mobile device away and enjoy listening and exploring. You choose your own path through the Cemetery.

Please follow the Central Avenue or the many well-marked paths for your safety.
Almost all walking routes through the Cemetery are wheelchair accessible, except for the outermost paths, which have a few steps.

You can also enjoy this sound walk from the comfort of home.


Krystal Hitchens: Local Parent
Diane Falcon: Reform Rabbi
Sarah Cheesbrough: environmentalist and photographer
Shirley Wiggins: diversity coach and campaigner
Sasha de Suinn / Lady Sasha: performer and writer
Duggie Fields: style icon and painter
John Lenihan: Fulham local who worked in the print industry
Daphne: a squirrel with no ears
Joe Mellon: psychonaut and consciousness explorer


Audio recorded and produced by Laura Khan Mitchison
Co-production and sound design by Steve Urquhart
Photography: Tim Green a.k.a. Flamenco Sun
Music by: Howlround